Grant Guidance
First-Time Grant Seekers
Do you have a program that improves the quality of life in Sandusky County, Ohio? Are you in need of financial, technical, or intellectual resources to make it successful? Let us help you find the right grant/scholarship, community resources, and opportunities for collaboration so you can fully realize your charitable mission in Sandusky County.
The Sandusky County Communities Foundation requests all first-time grant applicants to please complete the Tell Us About Your Program Form.

Grant Timeline
Mandatory Grant Seekers Information Meeting: July 16, 2025 Birchard Public Library – Fremont beginning at 10 AM
Applications Open: July 16, 2025 at 12:00 PM
Applications Due: August 20, 2025 at 12:00 PM
Celebration of Philanthropy: October 15, 2025 at 5:00 PM
Grant Seekers are required to attend the Grant Seekers Informational Meeting on July 16, 2025 at 10:00 AM at The Birchard Public Library in Fremont.
(Button saying Register Here with Registration Link: https://forms.gle/pwioVC4z8Kcy1QvE8)
Community Grant Applications must be received by August 20, 2025 at 12:00 PM. Applications received after this date and time will not be considered.
Organizations may apply for a grant in successive years if all previous award projects are completed by July 16, 2025 and the final grant report has been accepted by SCCF prior to the July 16, 2025 deadline. Preference will be given to new applicants.
All grants must be submitted through the portal.
For additional information, please contact Andrea Gibson at 419.334.6299 or director@sanduskyccf.org
Grant Guidance
Grant projects must serve Sandusky County residents.
We encourage projects that:
Enhance cooperation and collaboration among Sandusky County organizations, thereby eliminating duplication of services.
Strengthen the organization’s capacity to serve the community.
Leverage other resources and demonstrate sustainability through additional funding from a broad base of supporters.
Yield substantial community benefits and serve a broad segment of the community.
Grants are awarded only to non-profit charitable organizations that have been designated as having tax-exempt status under 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. Governmental agencies and political subdivisions are eligible for funding but must provide a copy of the group exemption letter and documentation of the organization’s inclusion within the group.
All applications must be submitted as outlined in the Application Instructions and Guidance document.
Each eligible organization may submit one (1) application.
Direct payment of a grant to an individual is prohibited: grant awards will be paid to the sponsoring non=profit organization.
Grant request must not exceed $10,000
Project expenses incurred by an applicant organization prior to notification of the award cannot be paid with grant funds.
Quote for purchased services or goods must be current (within 6 months). Preference may be given to Sandusky County contractors and merchants applicable.
Funding requests may not be considered for organizations submitting incomplete applications.
Successful grantees must acknowledge, promote, and advertise SCCF financial participation in the project.
A Final Grant Report must be submitted by the deadline provided. This can be submitted electronically by emailing director@sanduskyccf.org.
Promotional materials developed related to the grant must include “funding provided by the Sandusky County Communities Foundation”.
SCCF Board of Directors, Staff, or Committee Members may also schedule site visits. Any organization that does not comply with the due diligence process will not be considered for additional grants until compliance is complete.
Have additional questions? We’re here to help!