BCT Grant Information and Application
Community Service Projects
Who can apply? Groups of youth and adults who want to make a difference in their own community within Sandusky County may apply for a community service grant through Sandusky County, BCT. Each group must have a qualified (501C3) sponsor organization, such as a church, school, or community agency.
How do you get involved?
• Brainstorm about a community problem or need
• Think about a community service project to address that issue
• Plan a service project involving youth and adults
• Apply for grants, up to $1,500 for funding to complete your project
How can you apply?
Send your application to: Building Community Together C/O Sandusky County Communities Foundation 2511 Countryside Dr. Suite C Fremont, OH 43420
Calendar: Grant applications can be submitted at any time during the year.
What is Building Community Together?
BCT is a youth board that gives out grants for community youth projects. The youth board conducts fundraisers to provide adequate funds for the completion of these projects. BCT is the only youth-led initiative in the region whose goal is to promote youth leadership and youth/adult partnerships, which impact local communities through service projects that address important issues and build community pride. Rev. 06/21
What are the outcomes of BCT?
• Youth and adults feel more connected to their community.
• Adults begin to view youth as community resources.
• Youth and adults work together in partnership.
• The community benefits from projects that accomplish important results.
• The community gains outstanding citizens.

Project Guidelines:
1. Youth determine what they want to do as their service project. Youth must prepare the application, present their ideas to the youth board and implement the project once approved. Adult assistance is allowed.
2. A “youth group” consists of more than 2 youth.
3. Projects must benefit youth, the communities throughout Sandusky County or schools that serve Sandusky County youth, with an emphasis on youth service to others.
4. Any youth group submitting an application must have a non-profit sponsoring organization with a federal ID number, i.e. church, school, 4-H club, etc. and an adult advisor.
5. The time frame for your project will depend on the type of project. Most projects should be completed in 1 –3 months.
6. Projects range in cost, up to $1,500. Funds may be used for the operation of the project, transportation and limited youth recognition. BCT may choose to fund only portions of the project, depending on the needs of the group and existing funds.
7. A required questionnaire will be provided at the completion of the project.
Unacceptable requests include:
• Youth/adult wages
• Donations to other fundraisers/organizations
• Out of town trips
• Dinners/Banquets
All questions on application must be answered. If you have any questions when completing the application, please call Angie (419) 355-0141 (evening).
Community Service Projects
Who can apply? Groups of youth and adults who want to make a difference in their own community within Sandusky County may apply for a community service grant through Sandusky County, BCT. Each group must have a qualified (501C3) sponsor organization, such as a church, school, or community agency.